Updates via WLAN
With the new over-the-air service, you can carry out software updates and configurations conveniently via Wi-Fi. No cables, no fuss - updates are quick, easy and completely wireless.
OneTouch Setup via QR-Code
The OneTouch Setup connects your LARDIS:ONE device to your Wi-Fi in the station via QR code scan. Ideal both for commissioning new devices and for quickly updating existing devices - without any complicated steps.

Fleet Manager: Manage your entire fleet
LARDIS:ONE Fleet Management provides a centralized overview of the status of all your devices and enables quick over-the-air updates on all devices simultaneously. This add-on module is available especially for fleet customers who require simple management of many devices. You can also find more information: HERE
More features from LARDIS:ONE 2.4:
- Sending the strength report is now also possible in Brandenburg status format.
- The current recording of the internal dashcam can now be permanently saved to the SD card via a button in the dashcam menu.
- The display of the last caller is automatically hidden again after 2 minutes.
- Combined display of GSM and WLAN signal strength, as well as PTCarPhone GSM/Router in the sidebar.
- LARDIS navigation: Destination guidance can be started by tapping and holding a position on the map.
- Support of various new coordinate formats.
You can find more detailed information on the new functions and configuration options in the documents provided LARDIS-ONE 2.x Benutzerhandbuch and LARDIS-ONE 2.x Setup Konfigurationshandbuch.
Notes for Garmin control units:
- Devices of the Garmin Fleet 6xx series are not compatible with the software version LARDIS-ONE V2.x.
- Please make sure that the latest Garmin device software is installed on your LARDIS-ONE 7 control unit to ensure proper operation
1 Not available on LARDIS:ONE 7 (Garmin hardware)